by Gerard Sarnat
Gerard Sarnat
Gerard Sarnat MD’s won the Poetry in Arts First Place Award/Dorfman Prizes; has been nominated for a handful of recent Pushcarts/Best of Net Awards; authored HOMELESS CHRONICLES (2010), Disputes, 17s, Melting The Ice King (2016). He’s widely published including recently by academic-related journals Stanford, Oberlin, Wesleyan, Johns Hopkins, Harvard, Pomona, Brown, Penn, Dartmouth, Columbia, Sichuan, Canberra, Universities of Chicago and Maine; as well as Ulster, Gargoyle, Main Street Rag, Peauxdunque Review, American Journal Poetry, Vonnegut Museum and Library Literary Journal, Poetry Quarterly, New Delta Review, Buddhist Poetry Review, Brooklyn Review, Texas Review, LA Review, San Francisco Magazine.

Talk of the Black-Billed Strutters’ Ball
by Gerard Sarnat

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